Collection: New Camper Upgrade Bundle

This kit contains a massive leap of ease and quality from the typical starter kit you get from a dealer.

These items are bundled together to make life easier, allow you to set up faster, and save some time, plus - these are also the products we use ourselves!

Buy the bundle and save 10%!

Why would you want to upgrade to this bundle?

  • This fresh water hose is a good quality, reliable hose that will last years, and can be connected to your existing hose or hoses to extend your reach for large sites.

  • The sewer kit contains everything you need with two hoses, a 4-in-1 connector, and various fittings.  Don't be the guy who uses a basic stinky slinky and blocks an entire row of camper's sewers when they dropped their hose all the way to the bottom. (I've witnessed this twice!, everyone downhill starts backing up at the sewer connection!)

  • The Dual Flush rinser is a product used by many campers, as it offers a very strong jet of rinse water into your black tank to often rinse better than the onboard black tank rinse.  Perfect if you don't have a black tank rinse, or just want to rinse better than before.

  • The Water Pressure regulator protects your camper's water lines from excessive or sudden pressure that could burst your lines.  This regulator limits the flow to between 40 and 50 PSI, protecting your water system while still providing excellent flow rate.

  • The extension power cable is a must have, as you never know where the power posts will be - especially if you like to camp in Ontario Provincial Parks (Yikes!).

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